Monday, June 7, 2010

Flaneur of Sydney

Its hot and sweaty, well it is where I’m situated, alone top story of a Japanese, authentic I might add, cuisine. Surrounded by different demographics and skin tone, yet I’m surprisingly relaxed with a sense of belonging, might have to do with the hand full of beers and wines that I was able to swipe from the 7 magazine opening, at times it feels like the only reason I go to openings these days are for free booze and a wagged saunter amongst the pretence and snide, with that aside its back to my loneliness, I should have been dining with a lovely vegetarian but after sitting and dismissing restaurant after restaurant it felt easier to leave her at the sidewalk as she sneezed, like the creature I am I disappeared into the night. So I find myself here alone more alone than dynamics would have you believe, and a creeping sensation of danger catches me unawares like a brush of the back of my head, ‘who’s there?!’ oh that’s right no one, lets hurry up and start enjoying ourselves… the misleading chatter of the other patrons resembles boystrosities as I can understand a word of what anyone is saying, I even order my food not having a clue what any of what it will be, food is food the waiter nods and smiles nods and smiles backs off to leave, “wait! And saki lots of saki” nods and smiles nods and smiles almost all the way out the room. Being the only white fella in the entire establishment the language barrier makes me laugh to myself. I had a pretty smashing day today, met two standout people that as many people tend to do left a mark on me, one of which, tends to happen quite frequently made me find a way to fall in love with them without trying at all…

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